It all began with HOLOGRAPHIc dogS and a beat.
The Sperm Whale is a pod of artists and programmers based in NYC. They are known for their interactive projections and video installations.
Originally a band, they decided to add whimsical visuals to their shows. They utilized their programming and animation backgrounds to create Orcha, their own custom VJing software.
Since 2006, the group has held numerous NYC club residencies, and shown work at over a hundred venues and events around the globe. While they no longer make music, they continue to straddle the fine art and nightlife worlds with a colorful pop sensibility.
The Pod
Jase Weston - VJ, Orcha programming
Alex Cordero - VJ, graphics
..+ & special guests +..
Alice He - VJ
Andrew Garrahan - graphics
Emily Denton - graphics
Helen Jen - graphics
Iain Melvin - VJ, Orcha programming
Joshua Fleitell - VJ
Konrad Klinkner - live drawing
Miles Spear - graphics
Yuchen Lin - graphics